Thursday, July 8, 2010

Classroom Management

The routines that were enforced by the teacher were the following: At the beginning of class as students walked in they were to obtain their notebooks and sit in their assigned seat, during class students had to follow dress code and tuck in their school shirts. Also, if they needed to step out of their seat, they were to raise their hands and ask for permission. When assignments needed to be handed out to students, the teacher would call on students to help pass them out, otherwise they would remain in their seats. Students were not required to hand in all the assignments that were given to them, however, they did have to paste them in to their notebook to keep an organized folder of all their assignments. If they were required to hand in an assignment they were to include the appropriate heading and turn them in to the teacher when told to do so. During lunch time and at the end of the day, the teacher instructed students to put their notebooks away and clean their designated areas. Once students were done, they remained in their seats until the teacher dismissed them. The method of enforcement that the teacher utilized was that if any student would misbehave and get their name written on the board, the entire class would not be able to participate in the lab activity that was scheduled for the day. It was very effective, because students would ask each other to behave because they did not want to spend all period listening to lecture, they wanted to work on hands-on activities. If by any chance there was disruptive behavior, the teacher would give students three warnings before getting their name on the board, if the disruptive behavior continued they would have to sign a discipline form that would be sent home. The discipline form consisted of three levels: the first was a teacher-student conference, the second was a call home, and the third was sent to the principal for further discipline.

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