Thursday, July 8, 2010

Interactions with teachers and students

The mentor teacher was very open to the idea of having pre-service science teachers observe her classroom. She would give us copies of the assignments and materials needed to follow along with the lesson. I felt that she was really interested in helping us and providing us a useful experience that would help us to become effective teachers. During a lesson on tectonic plates, students were creating a foldable that displayed the changes that earth has undergone since the beginning of its existence. However, there was a student that the day before had been very disruptive and not interested in the lesson. When the class started the activity he was hesitant to participate until I asked if he needed help. He was quick to say no, but as I walked away he called me and asked how he would start the activity. As soon as I began helping him, I noticed that he was very attentive and really focused on the activity. When the foldable was complete he continued to ask me questions about what was needed to go to the university and what it was like to continue an education. He was very interested, when the day before he had been very restless and refused to pay attention. I realized that all he wanted was to know that somebody cared and didn't just ignore him because they thought he was the type of student that didn't like school. I believe that I was successful in helping him that day, and I really hope that he continues the same way.

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