Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lesson Observation

The lesson that really caught my eye was that of Mitosis. In the introduction, the teacher started by getting the attention of the students by asking them if they knew how they would grow. Second, she informed the students that the reason they would grow was due to mitosis, the division of cells which was gonna be the lesson for that day. To stimulate the recall of prior knowledge, she had an oral discussion on the phases of mitosis which were concepts that they had previously learned during the school year. To present the content, students began reading a book on cells as a class. After the reading, the teacher led a discussion of mitosis and the phases of it in detail. To provide learning guidance, the teacher showed students diagrams and pictures of what the phases looked like, and had them draw the pictures on their notebook using different colored markers. To elicit performance, students were given a quiz to assess their new knowledge of cells. During the entire lesson, the teacher continued to walk around the room and provide positive feedback on students' progress which helped students become more confident while they were working. Nonetheless, during my observation period, an assessment for the lesson was not given. The final exams that were to be administered were not going to take place until the end of the summer school period.

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